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July 22, 2011

Learning JavaScript From Beginner to Advanced Level

JavaScript (JS for short) is the programming language that enables web pages to respond to user interaction beyond the basic level provided by HTML links and forms and it is used in billions of Web pages to add functionality, validate forms, communicate with the server, and much more.

The links on this page lead to a variety of JavaScript tutorials and JavaScript training materials. Whether you are just starting out, wanting to learn JS basics, or are an old hand, wanting to sharpen your skills, you can find helpful resources here for JS best practices.

JavaScript is easy to learn and am sure you will enjoy it.


Getting Started with JavaScript
What is JavaScript and how can it help you?

An Introduction to Programming with JavaScript
Learn the basics of programming with JavaScript

Programming – The Real Basics
Dev.Opera Web
Basic fundamentals of programming. Following articles introduce what you can do with JavaScript, best practices for using it, and more.

JavaScript From the Ground Up
Google Code University
Video tutorial on making pages interactive with JavaScript

JavaScript Guide
A comprehensive, regularly updated guide to JavaScript for all levels of learning from beginner to advanced.

JavaScript Best Practices
Learn about some of the obvious and (not so) obvious best practices when writing JavaScript.


A Re-introduction to JavaScript
A recap of the JavaScript programming language aimed at intermediate-level developers.

Eloquent JavaScript
A comprehensive guide to intermediate and advanced JavaScript methodologies.

Essential JavaScript Design Patterns
Addy Osmani
An introduction to essential JavaScript design patterns.

The JavaScript Programming Language
YUI Blog
Douglas Crockford explores the language as it is today, and how it came to be.

Introduction to Object-oriented JavaScript
Learn about the JavaScript object model.


Learning Advanced JavaScript
John Resig
John Resig's guide to advanced JavaScript.

Introducing the JavaScript DOM
What is the Document Object Model, and why is it useful? This article gives you a gentle introduction to this powerful JavaScript feature.

An Inconvenient API: The Theory of the DOM
YUI Blog
Douglas Crockford explains the Document Object Model.

Advanced JavaScript
YUI Blog
Douglas Crockford looks closely at code patterns from which JavaScript programmers can choose in authoring their applications.

JavaScript Garden
Documentation of the most quirky parts of JavaScript.

Which JavaScript Framework?
Advice on choosing a JavaScript framework.

Non-blocking JavaScript Downloads
YUI Blog
Tips on improving the download performance of pages containing JavaScript.

These resources are created by web developers who have embraced open standards and best practices for web development. If you think we've omitted a great resource, please tell us using the comment box.